Home Improvement

Bathroom modelling and its novelty

Bathroom fixtures have become quite a rave! Nowadays, with Jacuzzis, bathtubs, customized showers, spas and what not, bathroom modelling is now a growing trend. We want something that’s stylish and comfortable. Aside all that, bathroom fixtures, albeit in fancy designs must also prove to be functional and valuable. We provide a handy guide for you to follow up on materializing your dream bathroom. 

Remodelling agencies like Kitchen and bath and Cuisines Vima have satisfied clients over the years with state of the art contemporary design. 


  • Planning 


You need to start planning first and that begins with having a family rendezvous! Discuss everything with them as each member might have a conflicting taste. You should also set out a budget and decide on what kind of fixtures you will need. Try and set the budget high because in most cases, you end up spending more than you bargained for. This can avoid any unpleasantness later. 

Projects of this magnitude are exorbitant and time consuming so it could easily take over two months to complete it. Do you have the luxury of time? Regardless, do not put a halt on the process as it will unnecessarily delay things. Consulting a professional is of paramount importance as they can offer a bigger picture and much clarity. 


  • Layouts 


Typically, bathrooms are made up of the bathroom sink, a toilet, shower and a bathtub. The toilets especially in more luxurious homes come with a bidet. The layout will determine how they’re all placed. Whatever you decide, it has to work in harmony with your home. If the bathroom is going to be an integral part of your bedroom, then the colour scheme and design ideas has to be in solidarity with the room.

 Today, white interiors are a rage and while it can look very classy and regal, they can also be hard to clean. Either way, it is best to go for neutral tones that will accentuate the beauty of your bathroom as bright shades can be too distracting. 

You will also need ample space.


  • Wet rooms 


The shower area is best enclosed. But in cases where it’s not, ensure that the room and all other attachments like cabinets are waterproofed. 



  • Noise control 


Sometimes, noise can be an issue like the refilling of a toilet tank. In cases like this, modern inlet valves can easily resolve such problems.