Home Improvement

Smart Wet Basement Mending: Your Options

Recently, in large cities, it has become common to refurbish basements for use as a shop, cafe or office. One of the problems with this is wet walls. As a rule, this is accompanied by the characteristic smell of dampness, fungus and mold on the walls, numerous efflorescence and crumbling plaster or the masonry itself. For the Wet basement repair you need to know the followings.

Waterproofing of the basement with sanitizing plasters

First of all, it is necessary to find and invite experienced specialists who, with the help of specialized measuring devices, will be able to determine the cause of wetting of the walls. To fight the dampness or fungus itself is useless, if the source of wetting has not been eliminated.

Particularly should be cautioned against trying to cover wet walls with drywall sheets, ceramic tiles, film-forming materials and tools. This will inevitably lead to an increase in the area of ​​damage, a general deterioration of the sanitary condition of the premises. Sooner or later, these “creations” will have to be dismantled. Under the sheets of drywall you will surely find whole colonies of fungi of various colors. For the Leaky basement repair this is important.

A bad solution is to consider the idea of ​​protecting yourself from moisture by installing internal waterproofing. Capillary moisture, losing the ability to evaporate, will cause a rise in the level of wetting. Problems will soon be found on the walls of the first floor. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the building structure will forever remain damp, which means that even thick walls will not be able to provide the necessary thermal insulation. In addition to the additional costs of heating and aesthetic inferiority, there is another trouble. The temperature of such a wall under certain conditions may be below the dew point. On such surfaces, moisture from the air will certainly condense. Water drops will collect directly on top of the insulating layer. Such a picture is often observed in the already repaired basements, especially on hot wet days or with the arrival of the first spring heat.

Waterproofing of the basement with sanitizing plasters

The most common causes of wet walls in the basement are:

  • Leakage or breakage of water supply, sewage and water heating systems. Eliminated repair systems.
  • Incorrect operation of drainpipes or drainage pipes. Cleaning and inspection of systems responsible for collecting and discharging precipitation from a building are necessary.
  • High groundwater level. Work is required to reduce the level of groundwater, for example, the arrangement of the drainage system.
  • Loss of condensate moisture from the air. It is necessary to take measures to create the correct temperature and humidity conditions. You also have to provide insulation or heated walls to equalize the temperature of the air and the wall.